I have to share something, because I think
this could be one of the best blog entries I've ever read. Please feel free to jump there first before finishing this entry.To add, I do think happiness is fleeting, and when it arrives, we don't always register it as such, because often times, it's the little things. Well, at least I don't notice because I can be dense sometimes.
But the upside is that I believe happiness is also always right around the corner. You're never far from it, if you work towards it.
I also think happiness is, or rather should be internal. You can't hold out and wait for someone else or something else to make you happy. Otherwise, you could end up waiting forever.
Most relevant of all, I don't think there is a conflict between happiness and money. There are rich happy people, and there are poor happy people. There are also rich unhappy people, and there are poor unhappy people. (Although, statistically, the rich tend to be happier, especially if the goal is financial security, not worldly possessions.)
To be honest, happiness is something that has been elusive to me for years. So, for 2009, among other things, I'm going to pursue a happier, more meaningful year.
January 7th, 2009 at 03:18 pm 1231341487
January 7th, 2009 at 03:59 pm 1231343998
January 7th, 2009 at 04:11 pm 1231344696
I think that joy is sustaining and can be with you always, as happiness is fleeting. Joy will take you through the situations that provide no sort of happiness. It is your outlook and attitude that lend to joy, and always having hope for a better tomorrow.
That said...
"Happy, happy... joy, joy"
January 7th, 2009 at 04:16 pm 1231344966
January 7th, 2009 at 05:47 pm 1231350477
I learned that from some people who are not happy hates it when I am happy and often try to sabatoge it for me to make them selves feel better.
January 7th, 2009 at 06:29 pm 1231352943
I used to be one very unhappy person, and hated the world. I was not happy because nobody was trying hard enough to make me happy. I was waiting for people to make me happy, or I thought happiness just happens, like, pure luck. I was mad at world because nobody delivered happiness to me.
Then, one day, I realized that the only person who can make me happy is me!! What a shocker! Yeah, I know. I was young and dumb. I admit it. But I'm glad I discovered the secret of happiness after suffering so many years of unhappiness.
Needless to say, I'm a pretty happy person now : )
January 7th, 2009 at 06:57 pm 1231354667
January 7th, 2009 at 07:56 pm 1231358203
I think in general, people are always striving for some goal and they think that will make them happier. Really, human nature.
It is the one thing that frustrates me a little about this community. So much emphasis on, "When I am out of debt I will be happy." "When I retire I will be happy." "I don't want to enjoy life now because I want to retire at 50." I think I have said a few times, that is not my style. I think it's much more important to find balance in your life now. It's more important to find what makes you happy now. If it's going to take 20 years to get there, find something else to make you happy in the interim. Otherwise you set yourself up for disappointment.
Anyway, great post!